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Plastic’s efficient separation

Take plastics and a water vortex and you get a simple, robust and efficient method to separate them.

Focussing on customer needs our mission is to make more plastics available for recycling.

The Circulyzer GmbH is your qualified partner to develop, engineer and install plants for the wet machenical processing of post- consumer plastics and related waste fractions. The customized plant concepts provide an efficient plastic recovery for recycling.

Mission English

Team Circulyzer

Currently the circulyzer team consists of the two founders Markus Bauer und  Daniel Schwabl, who both work 100 % in the company as managing partners.

Markus as well as Daniel studied industrial environmental protection & process engineering at the Montanuniversitaet Leoben in Austria. They also completed their PhD there and did research on post-consumer plastics processing for recycling as Postdocs.

As a consequence the founders possess specific knowledge and know-how of mechanical waste processing technologies, related material streams and the existing waste management structures. This is emphasised by more than 30 scientific publications.


Portrait Markus Bauer

DI Dr. mont. Markus Bauer

“We want to build a bridge between waste management and the raw material processing industry, to bring more materials back into the cycle. From my point of view recycling is the key for an efficient and sustainable economy.”

Portrait Daniel Schwabl

DI Dr. mont. Daniel Schwabl

“Efficient waste and rejects processing is  the crucial step for an ecologically and economically sustainable recycling of raw materials.”

Our key technology – the centrifugal force separator (CFS)

Zentrifugalkraftscheider ZKS


Separation unit centrifugal force separator – just a cylindrical pipe with 4 openings



No rotating or moving parts in the separation unit due to the separation in the flow induced water vortex



High separation efficiency caused by the emerging centrifugal field and high retention times

Our services & products

Spinning off the university allows us to take 10 year experience in research, analysis and evaluation of diverse plastic separation technologies with us. Our strength is the design of new process chains, because we do not hesitate to strike new paths without renouncing proven methods.


Trials on our test facility

Our test facility is used to evaluate rapidly and at low- costs which plant or process configuration offers an efficent separation, whereby diverse post- consumer plastic containing waste fractions can be processed. For significant test results we need about 1 m³ (1 bigbag) of material. Due to the semi- industrial scale the material has to be crushed to < 20 mm prior to be fed into the test facility. If you interested to figure out the plastic recycling potential in your material streams, do not hesitate to contact us we are looking forward to your inquiry.

Anlagenmodellierung 2zu3

Plant modelling

Based on the test results our calculation scheme enables to model the expected material streams. Therefore it is assumed that the circulyzer separtion technology is implemeted to the customer’s plant infrastructure.  In a next step  we can asses the prospective investment and operation costs and quantify the customer’s benefit. So the total processing cost can be determined and provide the basis for a evidence-based decision.

Schwimm- Sink Trenneinheit Circulyzer 30 2zu3

Sink- float separation unit

Our combined separation and washing unit comprising the centrifugal force separator as key element provides an efficient separation of >95% material purity and recovery. A material throuput (capacity) up to 30 m³/h or 9 t/h respectively and the compact and simple plant design result in a technically and economically attractive plant module for diverse applications.  Consequently, post- consumer plastics can be recovered also from more strongly contaminated (heterogeneous) waste fractions for recycling .

Now certified by the seal of Public Procurement Promoting Innovation – IOEB.
IOEB Siegel

To recycle more plastics,

this is our mission.

Mobile 1: +43 (0) 664 2512427

Mobile 2: +43 (0) 699 11386334

Peter Tunner-Straße 19

8700 Leoben



(for deliveries by freight forwarders)

Halle 02

Parkring 02

8712 Niklasdorf


Supported by the Austrian state, European Union and further partners

Bundesministerium Landwirtschaft, Regionen und Tourismus Logo
Logo Entwicklung fuer den laendlichen Raum
Logo EU Zusatz deutsch
Logo Zentrum für angewandte Technologien Leoben
Logo SFG